Bio gather is the first project carried out by Biology Students of Universitas Airlangga. The targets of this activity are all Biology Students of class 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 as well as Biology Study Program Lecturers and All Biology Study Program Laboratories, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga. This activity was held on Saturday, 18 May 2024 at the Joint Lecture Room GC-4.10 Universitas Airlangga. The theme of this activity is ‘Strengthening Gatherings by Sowing Inspiration and Building Careers in Biology’.

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The purpose of this activity is to strengthen friendship between people. In this activity, lecturers and alumni or seniors were invited as presenters to give talks to the participants who attended. In addition, the talkshow delivered by the speaker will be held pre hope and post hope which aims to determine the level of success and success of this event. In addition, this activity is used as a moment to strengthen the relationship between residents of the Biology Student Association (HIMBIO) and as a forum to find solutions to the delivery of obstacles faced by young students during the lecture process from the point of view of Biology Lecturers and seniors through interaction and togetherness in a series of these activities.

Sambutan oleh Ketua Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi 2024
Sambutan oleh Ketua Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi 2024
This activity began with the open gate of the participants, followed by the reading of the pre-hope, and the opening by the MC. The next event was a speech by the Chief Executive of Bio Gather 2024, the Supervisor of the Biology Student Association, and the Chairperson of the Biology Student Association for the 2024 period. Then the event continued with a talk show with biology lecturers and game sessions for all participants. In addition, there was a talk show with seniors and a discussion session with participants regarding the obstacles or solutions experienced by participants while running lectures. The last event was the submission of post hope by participants. The activity was ended by closing / prayer and documentation. The hope for the future that will be obtained from this activity can strengthen the relationship and form a close relationship between all Biology Active Students, Lecturers and Laboran, so as to create harmony and peace in the Biology Study Program environment.