In 2024 Alas Purwo National Park was chosen as the location for the implementation of P3L (Field Research Development Training), precisely in Tegaldlimo District and Purwoharjo District, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The selection of this location is based on the amount of diversity found there. Alas Purwo National Park has various types of flora and fauna, making it easier for each group to collect data for their research. According to the official Alas Purwo National Park Profile page, there are more than 700 types of plants ranging from low-level plants to high-level plants such as trees with various types / vegetation formations. In addition, the types of fauna in this park also vary from the classes of mammals, aves, reptiles and amphibians (herpetofauna). Based on data from the page, there are a number of fauna that have been identified including 45 species of mammals, 250 species of birds, and 70 species of herpetofauna consisting of 17 species of amphibians and 53 species of reptiles. (Quoted from

P3L activities are carried out for 5 days. The participants departed on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 by using a local train from Gubeng Station to Rogojampi Station. Then proceed by jisang to Alas Purwo National Park. The next day, the participants did tracking with rangers with 3 different directions, namely towards Pancur, Sadengan, and Ngagelan.Furthermore, on the third and fourth day all groups were given the freedom to conduct research according to the needs of each group. Our group, the bivalve group, chose to conduct research around Pancur Beach with the research topic of bivalve animals (shellfish). Because the types of shellfish we found were attached to the rock substrate, we left early to catch the low tide. On the third day, we departed at 05.00 WIB and walked from our accommodation to Pancur Beach. Arriving there we immediately looked for bivalve shell habitat areas and began to make research zones. We also set up plots at several points at station 1 and began to observe the diversity present. In addition, we also measured parfiskim (chemical physics parameters) which include temperature, air humidity, substrate ph, and water ph. Then around 09.00 WIB the water had started to rise and we decided to go up to the beach. In the afternoon around 15.00 WIB we went back down to the research zone to measure the afternoon parfiskim. On the fourth day our activities were the same but we traveled earlier at 04.30 WIB.

Sample Collection and Identification Process

On the evening of the fourth day, a temporary seminar was held to present the results of the research obtained while in Alas Purwo National Park. Each kp one by one presented the results of their research, followed by a question and answer session from lecturers and representatives of the Alas Purwo National Park, namely Mrs. Indira. Furthermore, on the fifth day all participants prepared to return to Surabaya by bus. The return trip started at around 10:00 am and arrived at Unair Campus C Surabaya at around 9:00 pm. This field research development training experience is very useful for students because here they are taught how to obtain data in accordance with the chosen research topic. Furthermore, the data is processed in such a way that the data is ready to be presented and reported with evidence and additional supporting information.