Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate a religious attitude and devotion to God Almighty and/or technology in accordance with their field of expertise;
  2. Able to uphold human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics;
  3. Able to internalize academic values, norms, and ethics;
  4. Able to act as a citizen who is proud and loves the country, has nationalism and responsibility to the state and nation;
  5. Able to appreciate the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the original opinions or findings of others;
  6. Able to contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and the advancement of civilization based on Pancasila;
  7. Able to work together and have social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment;
  8. Able to obey the law and discipline in social and state life;
  9. Able to internalize the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship;
  10. Able to show an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently;
  11. Able to realize excellence based on religious morality (excellence with morality).
  1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and/or technology in accordance with their field of expertise;
  2. Able to analyze the implications of the development or implementation of science, technology, or art in their field of expertise, based on scientific principles, procedures, and ethics, which enable them to develop solutions, ideas, designs, or art criticism and compile thesis reports or final projects by compiling scientific descriptions of the results of their studies.
  3. Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving in the field of biology expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis;
  4. Ability to manage learning independently;
  5. Ability to develop and maintain networks with supervisors, colleagues, and peers within and outside the institution.
  1. Able to present alternative solutions in solving problems related to sustainable management of biological and environmental resources through the application of relevant knowledge, biological methods, and technology as a basis for making appropriate decisions.
  2. Able to apply biology in daily life in ways that benefit society, with an emphasis on health and the environment.
  3. Able to manage biological and environmental resources in a particular field.
  4. Able to conduct independent research in the laboratory and field, and skilled in handling organisms.
  1. Able to evaluate biodiversity in Indonesia according to the determination key correctly;
  2. Able to explain natural phenomena based on biological principles (universality, evolution, diversity, continuity, homeostasis, interaction) correctly;
  3. Able to connect phenomena that occur in organisms and interactions with the environment based on the principles and studies of MIPA (mathematics, physics, and chemistry) correctly;
  4. Able to provide a strong knowledge base of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in relation to life sciences;
  5. Able to provide basic knowledge of molecular, cellular, and organism;
  6. Able to provide relevant knowledge of safety and environmental issues, including basic laws related to related laws;
  7. Able to provide scientific arguments of biology and related technologies from cellular to molecular level in accordance with the development of science;
    Able to integrate biological principles (botany, ecology, microbiology, zoology) in accordance with correct scientific principles;
    Able to use laboratory equipment in accordance with SOP correctly and appropriately.